Brandsync Markenmanagement Methode

brandsync® brand management method

Let emotions speak: Use brandsync® to control how your brand is perceived - consciously and unconsciously
Brandsync Floating Image - Circle

Efficient and individualized brand communication along the entire customer journey: With our brand management tool brandsync®, this is now also possible for B2B companies.

Advantages at a glance: tri-factor from brandsync®

brandsync Icon - Revolution


brandsync® decodes how your brand is subconsciously perceived

brandsync Icon - Empathy


Take advantage of how emotions and motivational structures influence our behavior and aim your communication directly at the hearts of your customers

brandsync Icon - Verbindung


Brand, vision, mission statement, value proposition and positioning can be embedded in the context of unconscious-emotional worlds of thought and values

Emotionally and rationally coherent brand message

brandsync® relies on the latest findings from the neurosciences and cognitive sciences and, with our Psychological AI modules, puts you in a position to always implement your presence in line with your brand and target group

Brandsync Vorteil - Praxis
Brandsync Vorteil - Markenseele
Brandsync Vorteil - Intelligent


B2B expertise meets strategic vision and digital pioneering spirit - culminating in immediate strategies for your employer branding management, technology landscape and content marketing reality


brandsync® focuses on the emotional mindsets of brand ambassadors and your target groups - allowing you to aim straight for the heart of your customers


brandsync® supports you from the analysis to your communication experience - for a consistent brand experience

brandsync® features

B2B Analytics

brandsync macht deutlich, wie und durch wen Ihre Marke in der digitalen Realität emotional wahrgenommen wird

B2B Strategie

brandsync® deckt die emotionalen und motivationalen Denkweisen Ihrer Zielgruppe sowie deren Differenzierungspotenziale auf. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie diese zielgerichtet in Ihr Leitbild einbauen

B2B Brand-Management

Richten Sie Ihre Marke über alle Kontaktpunkte sicher und strategisch auf den emotionalen Belohnungszentren Ihrer Zielgruppen aus - synchronisiert von Marketing über Kommunikation bis hin zum Vertrieb

B2B Kommunikation

Content-Erstellung in Echtzeit, strategisch richtig und emotional verfasst

Employer Branding

Mithilfe des richtigen Prozesses, der richtigen Insights und des emotional richtigen Employer Contents gewinnen Sie den Kampf um die richtigen Mitarbeiter


Mit brandsync® ist es somit möglich, sich in die Denkwelten von Mitarbeitern und Zielgruppen zu versetzen


Wir bringen die emotionalen Markenwahrnehmungen aller Verantwortlichen im Unternehmen auf denselben Stand


Emotionale Entscheidungen zahlen auf unser Belohnungskonto ein und geben uns ein befriedigendes Gefühl, ganz unbewusst

Dive deeper into the scientific background of brandsyncs®

Take a look at our brandsync® magazines now

Magazine issue 01

Magazine for neuroscience in theory and marketing practice. Focus topic: Unconscious purchasing decisions


Magazine issue 02

Magazine for neuroscience in theory and marketing practice. Focus topic: Customer Journey.

Our approach

As founders of the international brandsync® network, we are not just consultants, but your ideal communication partner. We score as programmers and designers. We are word makers and pacesetters and we pull together with you

Brandsync Collage - Zielgruppe

Enable emotional target group targeting

We record the content of your customers or users, for example in the online environment, and analyze which emotional mindsets (SyncTypes) are hidden behind it.

Brandsync Collage - Emotionen

Motivational understanding of target groups

Our AI uses your customers' communication to deduce their emotional state and motivational intent. We show you whether you are serving the motives of your target group or communicating past them.

Brandsync Collage - Analysen

Analyze brand status quo

From your published content, we are able to filter out how your brand is understood emotionally and motivationally, i.e. which SyncTypes you are currently unconsciously addressing. In this way, we can determine how consistent your brand presence is.

Brandsync Collage - Kommunikation

Evaluate brand communication

We analyze the communicative brand perception you are responsible for and show you which emotional load and emotional impact you can achieve with it and which potentials need to be leveraged.

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Ask our expert
Daniel Szkutnik

Daniel Szkutnik

Chief Executive Officer


0162 33840-153

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